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  • Get Involved

  • VOTE!!

    Make sure you are registered to vote.

    If you’re a first-time voter or have moved to a new state since the last time you voted, you will need to register. If you’ve changed your name, moved within your state or want to change your party affiliation, you must update your registration or re-register in your new county. Even if you’ve voted before and don’t have changes, you should still check that your registration is current.

    Plan how you’ll vote: by mail, in person during early voting if your state offers it or on Election Day.

    Voting procedures in your area may have changed because of the pandemic, so be aware of your options and make a voting plan now. If you decide to vote by mail, apply for your ballot early. A handful of states automatically mail all voters a ballot, but in most of the U.S., you’ll need to request one. In some states you can submit your request up until a few days before the election, but that doesn’t mean you should. Don’t delay returning your ballot, either. 

    If you’re voting by mail, read the instructions carefully.

    Before you fill in any bubbles, carefully read the instructions that come with your ballot and follow them to a T. Mistakes like using the wrong color pen, putting marks in the wrong place or forgetting to sign the outside of the return envelope could mean your vote isn’t counted. Don’t try to fix a ballot with tape or correction fluid if you mess up, and don’t be embarrassed to ask for help. If you have a question or need a replacement ballot, call your local election office.

    Track your ballot. 

    In many states, you can track your mail-in ballot online to confirm it’s en route to you and has been received by your election office and accepted. Check your state’s election website for details. If online tracking isn’t available, you can call your local election office to ask about the status of your ballot.

    Check your state’s ID requirements.

    Some states require ID to vote, but the acceptable forms may be broader than you expect. If you vote in person and don’t have the required ID when you go to the poll, you may need to cast a provisional ballot and return later to show ID before your vote is counted.

    Ask for help if you need information, and report any problems you encounter.

    Don’t hesitate to reach out to your local election officials if you have questions. You can look up their phone numbers and email addresses here. If you run into any issues at the polls during early voting or on Election Day, ask a poll worker for help.

    Make a backup plan. What if your absentee ballot doesn’t come in time? What if you need to quarantine during early voting or you wake up with coronavirus symptoms on Election Day? Preparing a backup plan may help set your mind at ease in unpredictable times.

    READ MORE HERE -> http://www.propublica.org/article/propublicas-pandemic-guide-to-making-sure-your-vote-counts

    Volunteer Information

    Chamber membership provides entry to a community of support and learning opportunities. By getting involved you leverage the power of your membership and support the progress of the Chamber at the same time.

    There are many ways to get involved with a complete range of time commitment. Coming to Chamber events is the most obvious way. But there are many other ways. Become an Ambassador to welcome new members. Promote your product or service at the annual Black Expo. Participate in the annual Membership Drive and help us grow. The more you do, the more value you’ll receive from your membership.

    GABC Docent Program

    The docent, commonly known as a voluntary tour guide, will be responsible for guiding individuals and groups through the Dedrick-Hamilton House and the African American Heritage & Cultural Facility.  Those who wish to become a docent should be prepared to make a long-term commitment in which they will volunteer approximately 10-25 hours weekly. Those chosen to take part in the docent program will be provided with training and invited to two special docent luncheons and one optional field trip.

    Click here to request information or call the Chamber at (512) 459-1181.

    Event Sponsorship

    Want to increase your marketing outreach and visibility?

    The Greater Austin Black Chamber of Commerce presents a diverse agenda of programs and events each year to benefit its member companies and to promote and inform the Austin area business community. Many Chamber activities offer excellent opportunities for member companies to enhance their own image in the business community by putting their names before a target audience of local business people.

    Your support enables the Chamber to offer a greater number of quality programs and special events, while your business benefits from increased exposure as an active participant in the advancement of this area’s business community. Call (512) 459-1181 or email the Chamber for more information about any of our events.


    Disaster Loan Assistance as a response to COVID-19
    Federal Disaster Loans for Businesses, Private Nonprofits, Homeowners, and Renters

    You can apply online for all types of SBA disaster assistance loans. The online application is the fastest method to receive a decision about your loan eligibility. You have the option of submitting a paper application by mail. For either application, you must submit the completed loan application and a signed and dated IRS Form 4506-T giving permission for the IRS to provide SBA your tax return information.

    You may also apply in person at any Disaster Recovery Center and receive personal, one-on-one help from an SBA representative. For information or to find a location near you, please contact our Customer Service Center. Call 1-800-659-2955 (TTY: 1-800-877-8339) or e-mail disastercustomerservice@sba.gov.

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